By Associate Professor Thom Cochrane (Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne)
Barnett argues that we live in a rapidly changing world where education must refocus as “learning for an unknown future, in short, for an ontological turn” (Barnett, 2012, p. 65). The impact of COVID-19 on higher education practice has made this rapidly changing world a reality for both teachers and learners across the globe.
Are you interested in sharing your experiences and learning from other higher education practitioners in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)? Are you interested in gaining international accreditation for your experience and expertise in integrating technology in teaching and learning? The CMALT cMOOC may be just the experience you need!
The Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT) provides peer-reviewed recognition aligned with the UK higher education professional standards framework.
The CMALT cMOOC explores the core elements of CMALT accreditation, building upon the close links between ASCILITE and the ALT (UK) communities to facilitate a supportive network. It facilitates:
- a 7 week Professional Development opportunity and an introduction to an international network of TEL communities of practice.
- a model of active participation within authentic contexts that support a culture of pedagogical change.
- collaboration of like-minded individuals, departments, and institutions both nationally and internationally, exploring an updated version of Boyer’s (1990) Scholarship Of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) – the Scholarship Of Technology Enhanced Learning (Haynes, 2016).
In 2020 we are launching the fifth iteration of the CMALT cMOOC on 14 September.
Find out more and sign-up at